So yes, it has been officiated. The Super Lazer Chicken is once again getting in touch with his roots, quite literally. I have said it before, and I shall reiterate it once more. From lvl 10-60 I was always known as Dae the Healer. Once I hit Outlands and ran headfirst into a brick wall with the mobs outside Thrallmar, and the lack of being able to solo one without popping a potion and using innervate to have mana for a single fight I turned tail, screaming all the way to Thunderbluff and gave the fabled Balance spec a whirl. Finding it much easier, and only needing to drink once every 4 fights, I was set to being a Boomer. I learned much as the DPS, and became good at what I did. Right before the launch of Wrath, I respecced Resto to give it a whirl in the sub-par gear I had been collecting for a Resto set. I quickly discovered that I was a tad rusty, but I didn't care because the following day we were all given free respecs upon release of the Pre-Wrath patch which unveiled our new talent trees. So I returned once again to Boomage and resumed my title of Uber Boomer of Pwnage.
All through Wrath I continued to uphold my title by doing DPS where ever I could. Upon the moment of dinging 80, armed with Spellpower instead of "Bonus Damage/Bonus Healing" I was asked to try to heal a Heroic Ahn'kahet (AK/OK) The first boss was very problematic, but it was a learning experience for me again, and I held the lesson close. I also learned that healing had returned to me quite naturally, though I was still slightly rusty. Over the couple weeks I have/had surpassed the Holy Paladin of my new guild. I am currently sporting a 1555 SP Woody with a
14/0/57 Resto Spec.
I do consider this a fairly cookie cutter spec for any serious Resto Druid/Raid healer. Additionally, stacking gear with Haste/Crit/SP is important. Also along with acquiring
Glyph of Healing Touch I currently can spam
Healing Touch faster than a Priest/Paladin can spam
Flash Heal /
Flash of Light, at .9 sec. The only issue I have come to realize with this is that if you're not careful, and watching your GCD, having a lightning fast Healing Touch isn't useful. I have found myself many times trying to cast as fast as the spell cast and not regarding the GCD of 1 sec, and getting the "I cannot cast that yet" error speech.