So, back when I started playing WoW again after my IA deployment to the Philippines, in May of '07, I joined one of my best friends on their realm called Bladefist. It were a PvE realm so being ganked wasn't an issue unless you were stupid enough to run around flagged. I played on Bladefist happily until Aug 15th when my divorce began, my ex-wife logged in and started causing all sorts of drama in guild chat. SO my friend and guild leader gave us both the /gkick. He also told me that once everything was sorted out I could come back. So I re-applied to the guild. Within the 2 weeks it took him to get back to me, I had found a geat guild called Omen. That was the guild i had been looking for. Mind you HordeLand Security was a great guild, as I had been there for about 15 months, but they weren't really progressing. When I had left, we had killed Attumen the Huntsman twice, and we had wiped on Moroes twice. Omen, had Karazhan on full clear farm, Gruuls and Magtheridon on farm, and were in ZA, SSC, and TK.
AND THEN... there's always an "and then".... Problems really arose there too. A couple of guildies were engaged. He left her for whatever reasons. She logs into game, says some stuff in guild chat, leaves guild and logs off. A couple days later he logs on for a few, gets whisper bombed and logs off. About a day later the lead Guild Manager kicks him, saying "Anyone that invites him back will get kicked too." When asked why he did that he replied "Anyone that interferes with my personal life on a game is not welcome here." Apparently, the GM was dating her younger sister. He's 37, her sister is 20. So he is letting a piece of ass about the same age as his kids (if he has any) ruin a friendship between one of his RL friends and him. Along wit this, people thinking that was a pretty bitch move, left the guild. Along with them, anyone who were friends with them, left. After that, people who didn't like certain things about the guild left. Then anyone who group primarily with anyone who left, left. So in the span of about 2 days almost 1/2 of the guild /gquit. I was on of them for reason #3.
Here recntly I have been getting bored with WoW. Re-levelling a character is something I loathe so much, I don't have any other toons over 27. That being my rogue. So I was speaking with Tzia and her guy and I tired starting a toon on Deathwing. Again, my issue with re-questing all the low level quests reared it's head again. So I mulled it over a couple days and as of last night I no longer have the super chicken on Bladefist, but I now find residence on Deathwing as well. I will say, getting used to being flagged pretty much everywhere is going to be an experience. If I don't like it still, I have to wait 30 days to tansfer back, so I may as well make the best of it.
all clad 10 piece set
2 years ago